Sixty-Minute Seder

Sixty-Minute Seder
Sixty-Minute Seder

Sixty-Minute Seder

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Sixty-Minute Seder - Preserving the Essence of the Passover Haggadah (Sixty-Minute Collection)

By Cass and Nellie Foster; Foreword by Rabbi Judith HaLevy; Preface by Rabbi Jack Moline; and Epilogue by Rev. Jerry Clark M.Div.

Sixty-Minute Seder: Preserving the Essence of the Passover Haggadah is not about taking the traditional Seder and turning it into something so modern that the reader loses all sense of tradition. This conservative Jewish couple has condensed the Seder – which normally runs anywhere from two to five hours – to under an hour. Although it is condensed, everyone can honor and celebrate the annual Passover Seder as intended. Readers will welcome the instructions on how to keep Chametz (unleavened products forbidden during Pesach) for use following the eight days of Passover and enjoy Nellie's delicious Seder meal recipes. Most other books provide instructions for only the service of the Seder.

Cass and Nellie Foster have created an easy-to-follow guide that explains how to prepare for Passover, how to prepare for the Seder, and how to execute the service. Also included are instructions for proper kitchenware, how to set the Seder table and create the Seder plate, candle-lighting, a wide variety of children's activities, and how to manage the Fast of the First Born without having to fast. Part of the Sixty-Minute Collection.

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Book Details

Paperback, perfect-bound. 78 pages.


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What folks are saying ...

“Cass and Nellie Foster have done an amazing job of sifting the essence of the Passover ritual from the embellishments of time. Each section is explained clearly, with the appropriate blessings in Hebrew and transliteration. The symbols are explained in a manner accessible to Jews and non-Jews alike... Best of all, Nellie's family recipes make it possible for anyone to create a Splendid Seder Meal.”

– Rabbi Judith HaLevy, Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue

“A seder in an hour? To a traditional rabbi, it sounds like heresy! But you now hold an opportunity to discover a truth about this long-standing ritual that is often obscured by the focus on form over substance... Cass and Nellie Foster have distilled it to its essence. And I dare you not to be captivated by the opportunities they present.”

– Rabbi Jack Moline, Agudas Achim Congregation, Alexandria, Virginia

“We are indebted to Cass and Nellie Foster for taking the bold step of creating a revolutionary Haggadah that offers a path to creating a superb alternative to the traditional Haggadah by offering us choices and helping us with planning. For those who seek a modified Seder that will stimulate discussion, inspire interest and educate Jews with a range of backgrounds will find the Sixty-Minute Seder a perfect script for the Pesach drama.”

– Rabbi Jerome M. Epstein, CEO/Executive Vice President Emeritus United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

“You have created a Sixty-Minute Seder for seniors! We love your book. It is great and written so warmly and clearly, it's perfect for our seniors here at the care facility.”

– Cantor Leo Fettman and his wife, Annette Fettman (Cantor Fettman is the co-author of SHOAH: Journey from the Ashes with Paul M. Howey.)

“You have done a great job in highlighting the main points of the Haggadah and arranging them in an order that allows the Seder to flow and the story it tells to be easily absorbed...I hope the book is a success and helps many to have a meaningful Seder.”

– Rabbi Dr. Andrew Goldstein, President, Liberal Judaism, London, UK. (Reform)