
SM_AuthorBookings_Website_Badge_2_1.png Membership

from $149.00, a division of Story Monsters LLC, offers a place for teachers, librarians, and the media to connect with authors, artists, and speakers for school, library or virtual author visits, interviews, and more. Whether you’re an indie author, traditionally published author, illustrator, or publisher, is the perfect platform to share your message with your target audience!

Add To Cart

The Important Details:

To ensure a smooth transaction, please read all of the directions on this page first! If you experience technical difficulties, please call us at 480-940-8182.

Learn More

Click on the button below to learn all about the benefits of becoming an member.

When you place your order, you will be asked to provide the following information for your membership:

  • Headline for your listing that describes who you are or what you do. 

  • One- to two-paragraph author biography.

  • A description about your presentation if you do speaking engagements and/or visit schools.

For Membership Renewals:

  • When you add your renewal to the cart, you will be asked to complete the registration form. If you do not want to make changes to a section, indication “NC” for No Changes or mark “No Changes”.

Before You Click on "ADD TO CART"

Please make sure to take special note of the required fields designated by an *.

If you Click "Add to Cart" and it does not take you to the cart to check out, scroll up to the top of the form and look for any field marked with a red "X Required" and fill in the missing information. Please feel free to contact us at 480-940-8182 if you experience technical difficulties or have any questions.

Images for your profile

Once you submit your order, please email your files to

1) Author Headshot (JPG or PNG)

2) Book Cover (JPG or PNG)

3) Illustrations from your book (JPG)

After you complete your order, please email 3-4 jpg images (headshot, book cover images, event photo, etc.) you would like to include in your profile to

Please allow 3-5 business days after Story Monsters LLC receives your images for your profile to become active. You will receive confirmation via email.

Promote your membership on your website

Use the "Member" logo below and a link to your profile on your site to let others know you are a member! 

Click and hold (Mac) or right mouse click (PC) on the image below until a dialog box appears. Make sure that the file name ends in .jpg (Mac). Click "Save".
